The Right Tools for the Job

3 Things To Consider When Choosing Hex Bolts

Hex bolts are unique fasteners that feature a six-sided head. These bolts are commonly used in the construction, automotive, and engineering industries.

A wide range of hex bolts are available for purchase, which can make selecting the right bolt for your project a challenging task.

Here are three things that you should take into consideration as you shop for hex head bolts to ensure you end up with the most efficient fasteners for your project.

1. Finish

The finish of a hex bolt can have a direct impact on the longevity and durability of the bolt over time.

Stainless steel hex bolts do not need any specialized coating. They are capable of resisting corrosion without the help of a protective finish.

Hex bolts made from other materials can benefit from a zinc or galvanized finish. Dipping a bolt in zinc or opting for a galvanized finish will create a protective layer that prevents moisture from corroding the base material of a hex bolt.

Consider the environment in which your bolts will operate to determine which finish is best.

2. Thread Pattern

The thread pattern on a hex bolt will impact the bolt's performance.

A fully-threaded hex bolt should be used when grip strength is your primary focus. Since fully-threaded hex bolts distribute pressure along the full length of their shafts, they are better able to grip onto materials with ease.

Partially threaded hex bolts have an unthreaded section beneath the bolt head.

A threaded section can be found at the bottom of the shaft. Partial threading creates a solid surface area that has no weak spots. This smooth surface allows a partially-threaded hex bolt to withstand a lot of force while holding a component firmly in place.

3. Size

Once you have identified the appropriate finish and thread pattern, you will need to narrow your hex bolt options by size. Hex bolts can be manufactured in a wide range of sizes. You should always consider the intended application before determining which size will best meet your needs.

Hex bolts with a larger diameter are well-suited for heavier applications but may be too bulky for joining lightweight components. A hex bolt with a small diameter can be a great option when a minimal amount of force will be placed on the bolt over time.

Selecting bolts that are the correct size will help reduce the likelihood of fastener failure within your facility.
