The Right Tools for the Job

Enhancing And Protecting Your Land - Options In Irrigation Water Filters

Whether you have a small lawn that you want to reinvigorate or a large farm that you need to function efficiently in order for your business to survive, irrigation needs all come down to the quality of your water. Relying on ground or well sources can be a mistake and can allow contaminants and impurities to affect the viability of your efforts.

Below, you'll find a guide to some options available in industrial filtration products for irrigation applications. By having this information in mind, you can make the extremely beneficial choice to begin filtering the water you use for immigration, allowing you to revitalize your land and guarantee strong growth for many years to come:

Screen Filters

If your concern about your water source is primarily based in particulate matter, a screen filter may be the right choice for you. Typically the most common and simple of all irrigation filters, screen filters will force water through a very fine screen that should remove sand, sludge, and other common contaminants.

Screen filters also have the advantage of being typically the least expensive kind of filter. They do, however, require consistent care and maintenance. You should be sure to regularly remove your screen filter to check it for build up and wash away any particles that may be clinging to the mesh.

Media Filters

Frequently used in commercial swimming pools, media filters are also very useful in irrigation. Your water source will be forced through a pressurized tank that contains a layer of very fine material such as sand, and the hard edges of the filtration material will scrub away any microscopic organisms that may linger in the water.

Media filters are commonly used in very high volume operations. If you're drawing your irrigation from a pond, a reservoir, or another large, stagnant body of water, installing a media filter system is a great way to make sure that water goes through a rigorous filtration process.

Centrifugal Filters

If your water source is particularly brackish, a centrifugal filter may be necessary. Once the water is drawn from its source, it is then injected into a centrifuge which spins it around at extremely high speeds. This process is designed to forcibly separate solid material from the fluid that it's dissolved in, and it can be an excellent choice if you have no alternative sources to use.

Many centrifugal filters are used around wells since the water quality tends to be lower, and you may even be able to install the filter inside your well in order to save space and increase efficiency.
